by admin | Jun 16, 2021 | Enterprise Business Applications, ERP Automation, Finance and Accounting, Retail, Sales and Marketing
An established retail and fashion industry in India has leveraged RPA to eliminate its manual activities and streamline its process AS-IS Manual Process Pre-automation Below mentioned are the manual tasks carried out by the team to generate the required data...
by admin | Jun 16, 2021 | Enterprise Business Applications, ERP Automation, MIS Operations, Retail, Sales and Marketing
An established retail and fashion industry in India has leveraged RPA to eliminate their manual activities and streamline their processes. Pre-automation Process A few key accounts identified an important Sales channel for the company. Sales Reports from this channel...
by admin | Jun 15, 2021 | Enterprise Business Applications, Other Technology, Retail, Sales and Marketing
Discount Strategy and Upload Automation for an E-commerce Giant. Pricing and Discount management on the e-commerce platform is a very crucial operation directly impacting the revenues of the company. The company was achieving customer demand management and pricing on...
by admin | Jun 15, 2021 | MIS Operations, Retail, Sales and Marketing
An established retail and fashion industry in India has leveraged RPA to eliminate its manual activities and streamline its process Pre-automation AS-IS Manual Process RPA Objective Benefits The business objectives and benefits expected by the company after...
by admin | Jun 15, 2021 | Enterprise Business Applications, ERP Automation, Finance and Accounting, MIS Operations, Retail, Sales and Marketing
An established retail and fashion industry in India has leveraged RPA to eliminate its manual activities and streamline its process Pre-automation Process The customer downloads required files from the portal and emails, consolidate them, and then sends them as email...
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